
How to get SSL certificate for FREE!

Title: A Step-by-Step Guide to Obtaining a Free SSL Certificate from Cloudflare

In today’s digital age, securing your website with an SSL certificate is essential to protect sensitive information and build trust with your visitors. While there are paid options available, Cloudflare offers a reliable and free SSL solution that can be easily implemented. In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of obtaining a free SSL certificate from Cloudflare.

Step 1: Sign Up for a Cloudflare Account

If you don’t already have a Cloudflare account, the first step is to sign up. Visit the Cloudflare website and click on the “Sign Up” button. Fill in the required information, including your email address and password, and follow the prompts to create your account.

Step 2: Add Your Website to Cloudflare

Once you’ve created your account, you’ll need to add your website to Cloudflare. Click on the “+ Add a Site” button and enter your domain name. Cloudflare will scan your DNS records, and once the scan is complete, click on the “Next” button.

Step 3: Choose a Cloudflare Plan

Cloudflare offers different plans, including a free plan that provides essential security features along with the free SSL certificate. Select the free plan and click on the “Continue” button.

Step 4: Update Your DNS Records

Cloudflare will provide you with new nameservers. You’ll need to update your domain’s nameservers with the ones provided by Cloudflare. This is usually done through your domain registrar’s dashboard. Once updated, click on the “Continue” button in the Cloudflare setup.

Step 5: Enable the SSL/TLS Feature

After updating your nameservers, navigate to the “SSL/TLS” tab in your Cloudflare dashboard. Under the “Overview” section, set the SSL/TLS encryption mode to “Full (strict).” This ensures that the connection between your website and visitors is securely encrypted.

Step 6: Automatic HTTPS Rewrites

To ensure that all resources on your website are served over HTTPS, go to the “Edge Certificates” tab and enable “Automatic HTTPS Rewrites.” This feature automatically converts HTTP links to HTTPS links, preventing mixed content issues.

Step 7: Wait for SSL Activation

Cloudflare may take a short while to provision your SSL certificate. You can monitor the progress on the “SSL/TLS” tab under the “Overview” section. Once the status changes from “Authorizing Certificate” to “Active Certificate,” your SSL certificate is ready.

Step 8: Test Your SSL Certificate

To verify that your SSL certificate is working correctly, visit your website using the HTTPS protocol ( Look for the padlock icon in the browser’s address bar, indicating a secure connection. You can also use online tools like SSL Labs to perform a detailed analysis of your SSL configuration.

Congratulations! You’ve successfully obtained a free SSL certificate from Cloudflare, securing your website and ensuring a safe browsing experience for your visitors.

In conclusion, securing your website with an SSL certificate is no longer a luxury but a necessity. Cloudflare’s free SSL option provides a simple and effective way to encrypt your website’s traffic and enhance its security. By following these steps, you can easily obtain and configure a free SSL certificate, making your website a safer place for users to interact with your content.

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